The Director General of the National Slovenian Technology Agency (TIA), Dr. Marta Svetina, has decided to support three specific projects as a start of the "Innovation Journalism program in Slovenia". I have received an inspiring letter from Dr. Svetina, where she states her hopes and intentions to support the development of independent innovation journalism, and to strengthen the interaction between Slovenia and the program at Stanford. I am looking forward to it.
The projects were announced at a press conference in Ljubljana today, writes Violeta Bulc on her Slovenian Innovation Journalism Blog. Violeta is the entrepreneur behind the InJo push in Slovenia. The projects:
1. The prize contest “The Best Innovation Journalism Media Contribution in 2006”,
2. “Innovative Local Community (Pilot Project in Slovenia)”
3. “First European Workshop on Innovation Journalism”, 18th October 2006 in Ljubljana.
Violeta reports that "..more or less all national and local media were present at the press conference. 11 reporters and their teams were from the national TV station, local TV stations, national radio, 2 national newspapers…"
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