Finjo - the Finnish Society for Innovation Journalism - hands out a yearly award for best Innovation Journalism story.
The second Finnish Award of Innovation Journalism was given to Tarja Halla, a reporter for the daily newspaper Maaseudun Tulevaisuus. The story Huomisen lihaa kasvatetaan laboratorioissa (Tomorrow´s meat grows in laboratories) is about the future of the meat production.
Well-known Finnish politician and writer Osmo Soininvaara chose the winner this time. Soininvaara has served as Minister of Health on Social Services (2000-2002), and has a licentiate degree in statistics. In his remarks, he said that “the story started right from the core of the whole issue”, and “the language was clear, statistical figures informative, and general view inspiring”.

All together 50 journalistic stories competed for the award, which is called Innovaatiokide 2008 (Innovation Crystal 2008), and is was accompanied by a cheque of euros 3000. The sponsor of the prize was Finnish high-tech company Vaisala.
Award winning ceremony took place during the Media Fair in Helsinki April 11th.
Finjo: http://www.finjo.fi/
Maaseudun Tulevaisuus: http://www.maaseuduntulevaisuus.fi/
Helsinki Media Conference: http://www.mediapaivat.fi/english/
Vaisala: http://www.vaisala.com/
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