When: 4 October 2010, 2pm - 3pm.
Where: Stanford University, Wallenberg Hall

Organized by Stanford Center for Innovation and Communication
Co-organizer: Stanford Center for Design Research
Register to the event here
Speaker: Joumana Haddad, poet, editor-in-chief Jasad Magazine, author of "I Killed Sheherazade"
Panelists:Diana El-Azar, Director of Media, Entertainment and Information Industries, World Economic Forum. Kirsten Mogensen, Associate Professor in Journalism, Roskilde University. Esther Wojcicki, Journalist, Educator, Chairwoman Creative Commons
Moderator: David Nordfors, Founding Executive Director, Stanford Center for Innovation & Communication
Joumana Haddad will be speaking about the new Arab woman, different from the cliche presently dominating discussions around the world. In her latest book "I Killed Sheherazade" she takes a stand for a modern Arab woman who is equal to man, autonomous, feminine as well as intellectual and professional, the custodian of her own body and her own sexuality. Haddad sees woman and man as equal in power and influence, their relationships built on consensual agreement between independent individuals.
The panel discussion will cover both the New Arab Woman, as well as under which circumstances she can develop. Woman activists in the Arab world are today enabled by the Internet, cell phones and other technologies. Which types of innovations enable the new Arab woman? Which are the forces that can support the innovation processes that enable her?
More about Joumana Haddad:
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