The News management team of DR, the public service
Danish Broadcasting Corporation, visited the innovation journalism program at Stanford for discussions yesterday. Under the leadership of the charismatic new DR news chief Ulrik Haagerup, the management group is looking together with
SRI International's Discipline of Innovation team at ways to introduce a culture of innovation in the Danish news. DR has put their bets on Haagerup to bring the Danish public service news into the new age.

Haagerup is one of those people who adds color to a place. At the age of 27 he received the Cavling Prize, the most prestigious Danish journalism award, and four year later he was appointed Editor-in-Chief of Jyllands-Posten, one of the major Danish dailys. (Jyllands-Posten acclaimed world fame recently for the
" "Mohammed Cartoon" controversy. Haagerup was no longer at the helm when it happened). In 2002 he was appointed Editor-in-Chief for
Nordjyske Medier, where he introduced multimedial journalism.

Apart from a previous track record of driving innovation in news rooms, Haagerup is the author of a
book on innovation (sorry folks, only in Danish), which has been published in several editions. The book points out that knowledge is not enough, it has to be introduced in society as well to be valuable. The "knowledge society" paradigm needs to be substituted by the "innovation society".
What will happen at DR News is not public knowledge yet, but it seems like a safe bet that innovation will be a key word.