Thursday, December 09, 2010
Amir Jahangir on InJo in Pakistan - Interview by VOA Urdu
Amir Jahangir is working on introducing InJo in Pakistan. He is on Stanford University InJo advisory board, where Innovation Journalism first started a few years ago, and is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. As CEO of Pakistani SAMAA TV, he introduced the first ever Pakistani TV series covering innovation. Already after half a year of broadcasting, the SAMAA "Innovation" show won the brand of the year award in competition with over 500 other brands, showing that InJo has potential also in emerging economies.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
A pitch to the Knight Newschallenge
Here is an pitch for the Newschallenge by social network analysis wizzard Marc Smith and myself. We are suggesting the next generation news research and analysis tool.
Unwind the spin, map news angles and points of view with ZANGLit (short for “news-angle it”).
ZANGLit is a simple tool for understanding which players stand where and how they talk. We do it by combining word clustering and social network analysis.
Today, Google News lists news outlets covering a story. It groups stories with similar key words - one list for “Turkey and stuffing”, another for “Turkey and NATO”. But it remains up to the user to identify news angles, to discern interests behind angles, and to recognize language that is typical for interest groups and angles. This requires familiarity with the topic and the players and good analytic thinking.
ZANGLit goes further than Google News. ZANGL a story to map the news angles, points of view, interest groups and typical language belonging to them. With this, you will get a picture of the politics around a story.
Example: Breaking News. A bus with NATO troops blows up in Afghanistan, hit by a missile fired from a drone. The many casualties include U.S. soldiers. NATO country officials condemn the attack. Turkish officials criticize the way U.S. troops are managed. Different news angles appear: one focuses on the insurgency’s new capabilities, another focuses on discussions between the U.S. and NATO partners on when to leave Afghanistan (will the attack accelerate or delay pull-out? – different points of view). A third examines disagreements within NATO, and between the Turkey and the U.S. Different news outlets pick different angles. Social-media comments add a layer of information to the story’s structure and audience.
ZANGL the story and you will map angles, points of view, and clusters of players.
How do we do it? For example, proponents of a NATO pullout use expressions that opponents don’t use. The Twitter-sphere boils with discussion: we see who refers to whom, who links to which news stories, the language they use and we map it. Among the millions agreeing and disagreeing, different angles, points of views, and different choice of words - people cluster into islands in the social/language-space, visible to those who can master the latest knowledge and algorithms in social-network analysis and the visualization of complex data sets.
For example, we can show that the expression “Global warming” is becoming mainly used by the nay-sayers. The environmentally conscious are talking about “climate change”. Social network analysis of Twitter shows this.
Using open-source platforms, adding our own development, we develop tools for understanding the ongoing battles around the stories. Journalists will use these tools to map the stakeholders and identify the core concepts and clusters in coverage. Sources and topics can be discovered in these maps, highlighting alliances and antagonisms within the population of a story's stakeholders.
It will be free for all to analyze the news. We are considering earning money by selling analysis relevant for the stock market, following brands in the same way as we can follow news stories.
David Nordfors is the co-founder and Executive Director of the Stanford Center for Innovation and Communication, which runs the Innovation Journalism initiative at Stanford. He is a Senior Research Scholar at Stanford University's H-Star Institute. He coined the concepts of Innovation Journalism (2003) and Attention Work (2006) and started the first innovation journalism initiatives, in Sweden (2003) and at Stanford (2005). Nordfors is a member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on the Future of Journalism, a part of the World Economic Forum Global Redesign Initiative. He is an adjunct professor and advisor to the Dean at the Samy Ofer School of Communication at IDC Herzliya in Israel. He is a visiting professor in Journalism and Mass Media at the School of Government, Social Sciences and Humanities, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico. He is also a visiting professor and senior media advisor for Innovation Journalism at the Deutsche Welle Akademie, Deutsche Welle, Bonn, Germany. He serves as advisor to the executive director of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Nordfors is a member of the advisory board of DISCERN investment analytics, and several other non-academic organizations.
Marc Smith is a sociologist specializing in the social organization of online communities and computer mediated interaction. Marc founded and managed the Community Technologies Group at Microsoft Research in Redmond, Washington and led the development of social media reporting and analysis tools for Telligent Systems. At Microsoft, he developed the “Netscan” web application and data mining engine that allows researchers studying Usenet newsgroups and related repositories of threaded conversations to get reports on the rates of posting, posters, crossposting, thread length and frequency distributions of activity. Smith is the co-editor with Peter Kollock of Communities in Cyberspace(Routledge), a collection of essays exploring the ways identity; interaction and social order develop in online groups. Along with Derek Hansen and Ben Shneiderman, he is the co-author and editor of Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL: Insights from a connected world, a guide to mapping connections created through computer-mediated interactions (forthcoming Summer 2010 onMorgan-Kaufmann).
Smith received a B.S. in International Area Studies from Drexel University in Philadelphia in 1988, an M.Phil. in social theory from Cambridge University in 1990, and a Ph.D. in Sociology from UCLA in 2001. He is an affiliate faculty at the Department of Sociology at the University of Washington and the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland. Smith is also a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the Media-X Program at Stanford University.
Friday, November 05, 2010
Swedish Bay Area Achievement Award for InJo Fellowships
The Press release is here below:
Contact: Maria Larsson FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Email: maria.larsson(at-sign)
The Swedish Bay Area Achievement Awards are successfully concluded for this year
On October 22nd, more than 160 Bay Area cultural personalities, businessmen and –women celebrated the winners of the Swedish Bay Area Achievement Awards. The winners were
- the Swedish-American Library and Archives Committee (Cultural Enrichment),
- David Nordfors (Most Beneficial Exchange),
- and Mimi the Sardine (Business Achievement).
The gala is an event set to take place every year, celebrating and awarding the people furthering Swedish culture and business in the Bay Area. The idea is to build on our solid history as inventors, innovators and pioneers, paying homage to our brilliant forebears, i.e., the inventor of the dynamite, the innovator of the modern zipper and cultural pioneers like Jenny Lind and Greta Garbo.
The first winner was The Swedish-American Library and Archives Committee, a dedicated group of people preserving the Swedish heritage by archiving books, memorabilia, photographs as well as historic Swedish newspaper Vestkusten in their offices at the Swedish-American Hall. They were represented by Susan Bianucci who thanked the jury and spoke of their upcoming plans of the upcoming plans to go completely digital. The group was awarded the prize for being the most original contribution and for “their innovative spirit that helps keep our past as a part of our present” as presenter Mark Johnson of San Francisco State University put it.
The second winner, awarded for his work in innovation journalism at Stanford University as well as in Sweden was David Nordfors. A tireless traveler and promoter of Sweden, David Nordfors was handed his award “for being particularly successful within both the academic and the business world” and the jury particularly picked him for his efforts to continually improve the bonds between both countries and commerce between them. Said Mr. Nordfors, “Thank you so much for this, this award was totally unexpected!”
Mimi the Sardine, the recipient of the third award, for success in business, expressed the same kind of enthusiasm for the honor. “This is immensely meaningful for me personally. This is the result of the creative power of the Fika-rast”. Pia Andersson and her team stood out among the stiff competition in the award category for Business Achievement. The motivation for the winner emphasized innovative thinking, display of corporate social responsibility, business savvy and creative playfulness, all the while walking their own path in creating children’s eating accessories.
The Award recipients were selected by a distinguished Panel of Judges:
- Pär Arvidsson, Founder and Managing Director at Snowshoe Capital and Olympic Gold Medalist
- Katarina Bonde, Managing Director at Kubicorp
- Mark Friedler, Consultant, Entrepreneur and Speaker Netanel Jacobsson, CEO and Founder of PlayHopper (former Director of Intl Business Development at Facebook)
- Mark Johnson, Professor of Art and Gallery Director at San Francisco State University
- Barbro Osher, Consul General of Sweden in San Francisco
- Rikard Steiber, Global Ads Marketing Director at Google
- Jan Uddenfeldt, Senior VP and Senior Technology Advisor to Ericsson’s CEO
- Nils Welin, CEO of Cypress Security and Chairman of the Board for SACC-SF/SV
The award dinner was held at the crimson halls of the Regency Center’s Lodge Level in San Francisco, with guests enjoying wine provided exclusively by vineyard Malbec & Malbec Cellars, exquisite food by caterer Chef Pelle to the sweet tunes of world-renowned singer Jan Johansen. Highlights of the evening included a dance performance by Katja Björner and Garen Price Scribner (appeared courtesy of SF Ballet, Helgi Tomasson, Artistic Director), choreographed by Yuri Zhukov, an hors d'oeuvres cook-off between Ola Fendert (Oola Restaurant) and Thomas Weibull (Swell) and an energizing speech by Dan Parisi, Executive Vice President of BTS Group in San Francisco, who in a humorously way assured the audience of his Swedish street credentials.
For more information about the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce-SF/SV visit For questions regarding this press release please contact Maria Larsson. 415 781 4188 email maria.larsson(at-sign)
PS. The list of judges is inserted from a previous release /D
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Kirsten Mogensen: Finding New Journalism Research Directions at Stanford
Prof Kirsten Mogensen at Rosilde University found a new direction in journalism research as a visiting scholar at the Stanford Center for Innovation and Communication, the home of the Innovation Journalism Fellowship Program. Kirsten was a journalist for many years, her story has a very nice flow - click on the video to see her tell her story.
During her stay at Stanford, Kirsten performed a series of interviews with innovation journalists in Silicon Valley. Says Kirsten: "I thought they shared some norms and values, but I soon realized that journalists in a networked based society like Silicon Valley are as innovative as their environment, also when it comes to ethical questions. That was a surprise. Nobody had written about that before. So now I know what to investigate for the years to come."
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Design, Innovation and Communication - Lecture at Lund University
Prof. Larry Leifer, Stanford University
Monday, October 11, 2010
Finnish Call for InJo Fellowships at Stanford
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Stanford Daily Coverage of "Innovating the New Arab Woman"
EXCERPT: "Joumana Haddad, renowned Lebanese poet, journalist and founder and editor in chief of Jasad Magazine, the first erotic magazine in the Arab world, spoke Monday afternoon in Wallenberg Hall about the “new Arab woman” and her latest book, “I Killed Scheherazade: Confessions of an Angry Arab Woman”.
Joining Haddad on a panel were Esther Wojcicki, chairwoman of Creative Commons, Diana El-Azar, director of media, entertainment and information industries for the World Economic Forum, and Kirsten Mogenson, associate professor in journalism at Roskilde University. El-Azar and Mogenson served on the panel via webcam from Switzerland and Denmark, respectively.
The panel, co-organized by the Stanford Center for Innovation & Communication (SCIC) and the Center for Design Research and moderated by David Nordfors, founding executive of SCIC, began with Haddad reading a section of her book."Click HERE to read the whole story on the Stanford Daily website.
Monday, October 04, 2010
Livestream 4 Oct 2pm PST: Innovating the New Arab Woman
Friday, October 01, 2010
InJo Fellowships 2011
We now have a draft of the InJo Fellowships at Stanford 2011, check it out:
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Innovating The New Arab Woman

Organized by Stanford Center for Innovation and Communication
Co-organizer: Stanford Center for Design Research
Register to the event here
Speaker: Joumana Haddad, poet, editor-in-chief Jasad Magazine, author of "I Killed Sheherazade"
Panelists:Diana El-Azar, Director of Media, Entertainment and Information Industries, World Economic Forum. Kirsten Mogensen, Associate Professor in Journalism, Roskilde University. Esther Wojcicki, Journalist, Educator, Chairwoman Creative Commons
Moderator: David Nordfors, Founding Executive Director, Stanford Center for Innovation & Communication
Joumana Haddad will be speaking about the new Arab woman, different from the cliche presently dominating discussions around the world. In her latest book "I Killed Sheherazade" she takes a stand for a modern Arab woman who is equal to man, autonomous, feminine as well as intellectual and professional, the custodian of her own body and her own sexuality. Haddad sees woman and man as equal in power and influence, their relationships built on consensual agreement between independent individuals.
The panel discussion will cover both the New Arab Woman, as well as under which circumstances she can develop. Woman activists in the Arab world are today enabled by the Internet, cell phones and other technologies. Which types of innovations enable the new Arab woman? Which are the forces that can support the innovation processes that enable her?
More about Joumana Haddad:
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
National Slovenian TV report from IJ-7
Slovenian national public TV, RTV Slovenia, broadcast a reportage from IJ-7. The reportage is made by Eva Uranjek. It is in Slovenian, but nearly all the interviews are in English, so it's interesting to watch it, even if you don't understand Slovenian.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Announcing IJ-8 May 23-25 2011. Academic Track Call for Papers
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Slovenian Conference on Innovation Communication

Some great news from Slovenia (I added links):
On Apr 7, 2010, at 13:08, Violeta Bulc wrote:
Ok.. tomorrow is a big day ... Slovenian Conference on Innovation communication (one of the 4 tracks is innovation journalism).. we have 183 registered participants; we will also give away 27 awards in different categories for InJo for 2009. Rx, Violeta
ps; the new director of our the biggest daily newspaper (DELO) has mentioned yesterday in his speech that the restructuring of the newspaper will be based on innovation journalism principles, fresh approach and new technologies
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Examples of Flavors of InJo

Sunday, March 14, 2010
Nokia chairman delivers Finnish InJo prize
Finland is profiled as the world´s first country that implemented an Innovation Policy Program based on R&D and knowledge, as early as 1990. Finjo, founded three years ago, is another first; so far the only association in the world formally committed to Innovation Journalism, that is journalism about innovation and innovations in journalism. The word innovation is somewhat tainted by hype and rhetoric.
“I think it´s easier to get the message through if we talk about renewal processes or social change. I also believe that the deep recession Finland and parts of the world is in right now makes the issue more urgent and people more responsive. It’s a sort of Finland 2.0 discourse”, says Carl-Gustav Linden who is a business writer and researcher at University of Helsinki.
Finjo brings a broad variety of experts together –journalists, communication specialists, researchers, bureaucrats and business people for sharing thoughts on topics varying from the effects of social media to the R&D policy of the European Union. Openness is maybe one of the strongest assets of Finland and the rest of the Nordic countries, where Linux and MySQL are just two examples of where open and voluntary collaboration can lead.
“Even though Finland has been ahead of the rest in forming innovation policy there is a need for politicization and democratization and I believe Finjo is be just the right venue for these discussions”, says Carl-Gustav Linden.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
IJ-7 Academic Track - Call For Papers
IJ-7 The Seventh Conference on Innovation Journalism
Stanford University, Stanford CA
June 7-9, 2010
IJ-7 The Seventh Conference on Innovation Journalism is a venue for researchers from many disciplines and institutions to present work and ideas relating to the interplay of journalism and other forms of communication in innovation ecosystems. IJ-7 is also a meeting place for researchers and journalism professionals to discuss the best ways of covering innovation in the news, the business of doing that work, and how innovation journalism interacts with society. The conference welcomes a varied set of participants: Working journalists, policy-makers in journalism and innovation, academic researchers, faculty and research students in related areas of commerce, communication and journalism, and other professionals connected to the media industry.
The Conference is hosted at Stanford University under the auspices of the Vinnova Stanford Research Center on Innovation Journalism. The Innovation Journalism Center welcomes faculty and graduate student submissions on all topics related to communication and innovation. The Program Committee specifically welcomes strong theoretical and empirical contributions without regard to particular methodological approach, professional context (including journalism, advertising, public relations, strategy and innovation, and the standard social science disciplines) and overall orientation of the research (theoretical, descriptive, philosophical, pedagogical, methodological or practical).
“The Prinjos” –The Prizes for Best Innovation Journalism Paper
The best papers in each of the following three categories will receive a recognition for “Best Paper at the Innovation Journalism Conference at Stanford 2010”:
1. The Grand Prinjo: best conference paper among all submissions.
2. The Junior Prinjo: best paper submitted by graduate students.
3. The Journalist Prinjo: best paper submitted by practitioners.
Manuscript Submission
Authors may submit paper proposals or full papers.
- Paper Proposal – 500-700 words. Open until April 1, 2010
- Full Paper – max 25 pages excluding bibliography and appendices. Open until June 1, 2010.
Please make the submission documents anonymous – author(s) identity must not be displayed. Please provide a separate page with paper title and an abstract of no more than 75 words; write name, affiliation and all contact information of the author(s) on that page with the abstract. Format should be Word, citations in Harvard Style. Paper and abstract must be sent as attachments in one email to
If you want to test if your idea for a paper is welcomed by the Program Committee before undertaking the work of producing a paper, submit a paper proposal by April 1 and indicate that you would like to submit a complete paper. If our reviewers favor your proposal, you will receive an invitation to submit a paper before June 1. Your full paper will then be reviewed and given the status of either ‘reviewed paper’ or ‘paper in progress’ at the Conference.
You may submit a paper directly, without first submitting a proposal. Your paper may be accepted as a ‘reviewed paper’, ‘paper in progress’, or – if it does not meet the criteria of the conference – ‘rejected’. Please submit full papers to any time before June 1, 2010.
All papers will undergo blind peer review. The review process is humane, including reasonable turnaround time on submissions and firm but polite critique. Papers are reviewed in the order they are received and authors will receive answers as soon as the paper has been evaluated. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the Innovation Journalism Conference at Stanford University. Authors of rejected full papers are invited to participate in the conference without presenting their work. No conference fee is collected.
Main themes of IJ-7 Academic Track:
· How journalism and innovation interact.
· How journalism can cover innovation processes and innovation ecosystems.
· Towards a systems view: Public attention and attention work in innovation communication ecosystems, the stakeholders and audiences, and the interaction between these elements.
Examples of research topics of interest:
· Professional norms, values, codes of ethics and principles of innovation journalism.
· How newsrooms and other professional organizations affect the coverage of innovation.
· Democracy and governance: The role of journalism in the innovation economy.
· Concept of attention work, the professional generation and brokering of attention.
· Concept of innovation communication systems; the flow of attention in innovation systems.
· How innovation processes and innovation ecosystems interact with public attention, with news media as an actor.
· Interdependencies between journalism and other actors in the innovation system.
· The roles of reputation and trust in the innovation ecosystem.
· Business Models for innovation journalism.
· Models of innovation and media, including firm, industry and economy-wide innovation systems.
· Governance, accountability and innovation in and by journalists and media actors.
· State of the art as well as theory and practice in the teaching of innovation journalism.
· Innovation journalism and feminism.
Information about the conference and accepted papers will be posted on: , the general InJo site, and the forthcoming conference sites alias
Program Committee
IJ-7 Chair: David Nordfors, Executive Director, VINNOVA-Stanford Research Center of Innovation Journalism.
IJ-7 Academic Track Chair: Kirsten Mogensen, Visiting InJo Researcher, Stanford University and Associate Professor, Roskilde University.
Turo Uskali, University of Jyväskylä, Finland and Senior Research Scholar. VINNOVA Stanford Center.
Marc Ventresca, University Lecturer in Strategy, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford; Senior Research Scholar, VINNOVA Stanford Center; and Research Faculty, Global Public Policy, Naval Postgraduate School
Doctoral Student Bettina Maisch, Institute for Media and Communication Management at University of St.Gallen andVisiting Researcher, Center for Design Research at Stanford
Program Committee Contact:
Professor Kirsten Mogensen:
Visiting Innovation Journalism Researcher
Vinnova-Stanford Research Center of Innovation Journalism, Stanford University.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
InJo TV Series Wins "Brand of the Year"

SAMAA TV in Pakistan embraced the Innovation Journalism journalism concept and started the series "INNOVATION" in 2009. That InJo series has now been awarded "Brand of the Year", beating +500 innovation brands from all industries, winning both the consumer vote and the expert panel ranking. It's the first time a journalistic product wins the award. On top of that, SAMAA won the Corporate Social Responsibility award, an achievement SAMAA says happened due to its InJo approach.
Congratulations to Amir Jahangir, CEO of SAMAA TV, Shahray Zariff, Executive Producer of the INNOVATION series, and Fatima Akhtar, anchor and team member of the show, who will be an InJo Fellow 2010 at Stanford.
SAMAA's success tells us some things:
The Stanford news release is here below, followed by the SAMAA release. Here is an introductory video of the award winning INNOVATION InJo TV series (in English):
Jan 26 2010.
(Here is the news release on Stanford's news web. Here is a copy in PDF)
Collaboration between Stanford Innovation Journalism Center and a Pakistani TV station honored
The award-winning program "Innovation" is dedicated to identifying innovation in all aspects of Pakistani life, and has covered issues ranging from alternative energy to mobile banking.
BY AIMEE MILESA collaborative effort between the Vinnova Stanford Research Center of Innovation Journalism and a Pakistani television station, SAMAA TV, is receiving an award for its role in bringing local issues of innovative development to the forefront of public awareness in Pakistan.
"Innovation," a television program featured on SAMAA, was named "Brand of the Year 2009" in a category recognizing products and services that sharpen public focus on processes of innovation and competitiveness in Pakistan. The series beat out more than 500 competitors from various industries in a nationwide judging that included a consumer survey and an expert panel analysis. Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani is scheduled to present the award in February.
The idea for the television series was conceived by the CEO of SAMAA TV, Amir Jahangir, who sits on an advisory board for the Innovation Journalism Center (also known as the "InJo" Center) at Stanford. The
series is dedicated to identifying innovation in all aspects of Pakistani life, and has covered issues ranging from alternative energy to mobile banking.
"[The Pakistanis] have created something of theirs with information and advice from us that has created a new model of media programming there that adds something to traditional journalism," said David Nordfors, founding executive director of the InJo Center. "It's a young, progressive, innovative and politically moderate TV company."
Nordfors identified the collaboration as a promising example of positive U.S.-Pakistani relations.
Four Pakistani journalists come to Stanford each year as InJo fellows, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The objective of the fellowship is to train international journalists to cover the innovation economy and network with U.S. media outlets. Fellows participate in workshops and conferences at Stanford and work with newsrooms across the nation covering issues relating to innovation. Fatima Akhtar, anchor and team member of the award-winning SAMAA series, will begin a five-month fellowship at the InJo Center in February.
"Pakistan used to be a very closed country — almost all journalism in Pakistan is about Pakistan, for Pakistani people. They've actually started taking in InJo fellows from other areas of the world as expert
commentators," said Nordfors. "It's very nice to see that it actually turned out to be a smash hit because this is really a new creature in Pakistani journalism."
The first innovation journalism program started at Stanford in 2004, Nordfors said. "Our network today includes funded innovation journalism initiatives in Sweden, Finland, Slovenia, Mexico, Pakistan, Israel and the EU — all connected to the center at Stanford," he said.
SAMAA TV Press Release
(Here is the release on SAMAA's web, here is a copy in PDF)
"INNOVATION" receives BRAND OF THE YEAR, 2009 Award
Upadated on: 27 Jan 10 07:40 AM
Islamabad, 25th January – “Innovation,” a television program featured on SAMAA TV, one of Pakistan’s leading Urdu news channels has been named “Brand of the Year 2009” in a category recognizing products and services that sharpen public focus on processes of innovation and competitiveness in Pakistan.
The program, a joint collaboration between the Vinnova-Stanford Research Center of Innovation Journalism (INJO) at Stanford University and SAMAA TV beat out more than 500 other competitors from various industries in a nationwide consumer survey and an expert panel analysis. SAMAA will be receiving the award by Prime Minister Mr. Yousaf Raza Gilani in an event scheduled in February.
The award is being given to SAMAA for launching Pakistan’s first dedicated program on innovation and for establishing the genre as an important journalistic beat in Pakistan. The Program has been recognized as the key source through which the journalistic coverage of innovation processes and ecosystems in Pakistan has been integrated into the national socio-economic development plan. The program has also been applauded for playing a leading role in bringing local issues of innovative development to the forefront of public awareness in Pakistan.
Speaking to Amir Jahangir, Chief Executive Officer of SAMAA TV, he said “The program success is based on hard work and a great network of INJO fellows across the world, who through their expertise has been advising on the program content, sharing research, commenting on innovation topics and providing solutions through their input and views. Due to this collaboration, the content of our program has been acknowledged as being credible, containing relevant issues and making efforts in bringing together the relevant stakeholders of each industry to find innovative measures to cater the society needs”.
Mr. Jahangir further said that “The global development has made our world smaller and our communication more effective. We want to bring innovation to the homes of every Pakistani citizen, so that their awareness and ability to be innovative is nurtured. Our future lies in the hands of innovation and for that we need to prepare a workforce which not only knows how to be innovative but also how to link it to the economic development”.
Amir Jahangir also shared that SAMAA is the only media channel in Pakistan, which has been recognized both national as well as internationally for being a responsible business operator using innovation journalism techniques as part of business strategy. This acknowledgement was given to SAMAA by the Asian Forum for Corporate Social Responsibility, who awarded SAMAA the Asian CSR Excellence Award 2009 as the only channel in Asia, for being a responsible business operator creating value for its viewers and empowering marginalized communities for a better tomorrow. SAMAA has also recently won the National CSR Excellence Award 2009, which no channel has received so far.
Dr. David Nordfors, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the VINNOVA-Stanford Research Center of Innovation Journalism coined the term “Innovation Journalism” in 2003. Dr. Nordfors said that “SAMAA has proven the viability for the Innovation Journalism as a genre in Pakistan, and emerging economies. This award is not alone a milestone for SAMAA TV but also for the Innovation Journalism Initiative at Stanford ”. He said that by being the first, SAMAA TV is leading the way for other media channels both in Pakistan as well as across the world.
Dr. David Nordfors specially acknowledged Amir Jahangir, CEO SAMAA TV for the strong leadership and commitment in bringing innovation to the Pakistani media. Mr. Nordfors said that Mr. Jahangir’s strong belief in linking innovation to economic development would play a crucial role in creating a new ecosystem in the Pakistan economy.
The program series is dedicated to identifying innovation in all aspects of Pakistani life, and has covered issues ranging from alternative energy to mobile banking.
Mr. Arif Allauddin, CEO Alternative Energy Development Board also appreciated SAMAA TVs program stating that “ it was the first of its kind show which showcased how different countries are addressing their energy needs using alternative energy -Thus, giving the Government of Pakistan the opportunity to learn and benefit from their experiences and serve as guidelines for us”. He said that the program has been engaging InJo fellows across the world and coming up with global solutions to local issues, which are required more now than ever, as Pakistan continues to face immense challenges in providing quality education, primary healthcare, energy supply and employment opportunities for youth.
The INJO program at Stanford University focus on building the capacity of media professionals to report on innovation, develop interaction between journalism and innovation, including how innovation is changing the profession and business of journalism, how to cover innovation in the news, and how journalism links innovation with society. Four Pakistani journalists come to Stanford each year as InJo fellows. The objective of the fellowship is to train international journalists to cover the innovation economy and network with US media outlets. Fellows participate in workshops and conferences at Stanford and work with newsrooms across the nation covering issues relating to innovation.
SAMAA TV is one of Pakistan’s leading private satellite television channels, which takes pride in its fair, factual and independent news coverage through its on-the-hour bulletins, breaking stories, incisive political analysis and current affairs programs. The channel is the first media channel is Pakistan to have established a well-integrated Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program as part of it business activities.
The channel has also made a niche for itself through its programs on women and youth issues besides infotainment and sports. SAMAA TV, launched in December 2007 has network of district correspondents and five bureaus across Pakistan along with international stringers in the Middle East, Europe and North America.
© SAMAA TV - 2008
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Future Talk TV Show on The Future of Journalism
Friday, January 08, 2010
HOLD THE DATES 7-11 JUNE 2010. JI@ST Conference Cluster at Stanford: IJ-7 + JTM
- IJ-7: The Seventh Conference on Innovation Journalism, June 7-9 2010
- JTM - Journalism That Matters, June 9-11 2010
These back-to-back conferences will take a thorough look on journalism in the innovation economy. The conferences are open for all types of participants with an interest in journalism and innovation. We are looking forward to an active, results-oriented discussion between people of different professions and views. (More details below.)
To receive calls for participation and registration, sign up here (This is not the conference registration. The registration will come later this spring.)
IJ-7 - The Seventh Conference on Innovation Journalism

Organized by the VINNOVA-Stanford Research Center on Innovation Journalism at Stanford University
Key topics:
The conference includes keynotes, presentations and workshops. We have a multi-stakeholder approach, welcoming all types of scholars and professionals to take part in a discussion on the role of journalism in the innovation economy. The participants in this conference come from all over the world, due to the international character of the program.
A large part of the conference will be organized by the Innovation Journalism Fellows, who begin their Fellowships at Stanford in Feb 2010. The Fellows this year c
ome from Sweden, Finland, Pakistan, Mexico and Slovenia. Like all earlier years, the conference program will emerge in March-May.
The conference is like in 2009 scheduled to present an academic track, where researchers will present papers. All IJ-7 participants are welcome to sit in on the research presentations.
Check out the website of our previous IJ-6 conference and the IJ-6 conference academic track.
Registration will open probably in March.
Keep up to date here on the Innovation Journalism Blog and the Innovation Journalism Facebook Group

Conference sessions could explore questions such as: Given the state of the industry, WHAT’s possible now? WHO are the new journalists? HOW are stories chosen? HOW are they told? WHAT kind of change is productive? WHO can the public trust? WHAT is the role of journalism in connecting people and community? WHERE can editors find qualified contributors and information with increasingly diminished budgets? WHAT new technological sources are reliable? WHERE is the new newsroom? WHEN are beat blogs, twittering and social networks best utilized? WHY is transparency so important? HOW do we maintain transparency and accountability while protecting sources?